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use "nurse" in a sentence

You'd better call a nurse right away; the patient in the next bed is having trouble breathing.

He sat at the bar nursing his beer, and staring off into space.

A woman in Ontario successfully sued a restaurant that kicked her out for nursing her baby at her table.

When my

grandfather fell ill, my grandmother spent all her time working to nurse him back to health.

Higgins is not expected to play tonight as he is nursing a sprained ankle.

Langley still nurses the ambition to become a senior administrator in the company even though everyone knows that he

doesn't have the skills to get beyond a very low managerial position.

Excuse me nurse, could I get my bedpan changed, please?

My wife nursed both our children until they were more than a year old.

Francis Bacon once said that wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle

age, and old men's nurses.

There is an old proverb which observes that the baby who doesn't cry isn't nursed.

The nursing period for killer whales is at least six to seven months.

The skin of baby mice is so transparent that one can actually see the milk flowing into them as they nurse.

A nursing mother needs to consume 500 more calories per day than she did before becoming pregnant.

The Ukrainian dream of independence, nursed for centuries, finally became reality in 1991.

Henry Ward Beecher once suggested that troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing. Worry is rust upon the blade.

Discussion question: What do you think are some of the challenges and rewards of the nursing profession?

Find someone who has spoken to a nurse in the past six months.

object - obey - obese - nutrition - nutrients - nurture - 

The word nurse sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the nurse, a sentence example for nurse, and how to make nurse in sample sentence, how do I use the word nursein a sentence?spell nurse in a sentence? spelling of nursew