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use "nightmare" in a sentence

My son keeps waking up in the middle of the night crying. He's been having nightmares about war ever since he watched the news on television.

The movie "The Cell" has scenes of nightmarish beauty that are simply unforgettable.

My speech last night was a total nightmare; I forgot

what I was going to say, no one could hear me, and the lights went out in the middle of it.

I don't want you kids watching horror movies again, and then getting nightmares every night for a week.

More than a year after the accident, the victims of the plane crash say they still suffer

nightmares on a regular basis.

Helping get the union started has been an absolute nightmare, but the end result is well worth the effort.

Our trip to Europe was a complete nightmare! The airline lost all our luggage, our money was stolen the day we arrived, and my husband fell and

broke his leg outside our hotel the next day.

After Lak's family escaped from the war in Vietnam, he was bothered by nightmares for years.

She awoke screaming from a nightmare in which she thought she was drowning.

Taking my baby daughter to a fancy restaurant was a nightmare that I don't wish to repeat.

There is a Japanese proverb which states that vision with action is a daydream, whereas action without vision is a nightmare.

Singer Tori Amos once said, "I see the dream, and I see the nightmare, and I believe you can't have the dream without the nightmare."

The scene at the World Trade Center after the terrorist attack was like some kind of terrible nightmarish vision of Hell.

Discussion question: Talk about a nightmare you have had.

Find someone who has had a nightmare recently.

nonsense - nonetheless - nominate - noise - nod - noble - 

The word nightmare sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the nightmare, a sentence example for nightmare, and how to make nightmare in sample sentence, how do I use the word nightmarein a sentence?spell nightmare in a sentence? spelling of nightmarew