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use "network" in a sentence

You'll have a better chance of finding work if you can establish a network of contacts that know your skills and education, and can let you know if they hear of any jobs that come up.

I'm going to walk around the conference, and network with a few people.

The human heart is surrounded by a

network of veins and arteries.

The vast rail network of our country is being replaced by cars and trucks.

A network of volunteers is working to distribute food and blankets to the homeless on this cold, winter night.

The university has its own computer network which

extends to all the buildings on campus.

The BBC Radio network has just released some rare old recordings done by the Beatles.

A computer geek once said that there are three kinds of death in this world: there's heart death, there's brain death, and there's being off the


Janet has formed a parents' group which is promoting a boycott of violent television programs to pressure networks to change their practices.

People are more likely to act in a group-oriented way if they are tied together by shared networks of communication and friendship.

Martin Luther King once observed that all men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality.

The ancient Romans built a network of roads totaling 50,000 miles.

The London Underground is still the longest underground railway network in the world, with 240 miles of track.

The organization known as "Free the Children" is a worldwide network of children helping children.

There is a network of scientists working throughout the world to find a cure for cancer.

Belgium's important network of canals, rivers, and highways connects the country to eastern and western Europe.

A good communications network by road, rail, air, and water is essential to the development of any country.

Osama Bin Laden and his al-Qaida terrorist network are believed to be responsible for the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.

Science has not yet succeeded in achieving anything resembling an artificial brain, but simple computerized networks have been developed showing brainlike properties.

There is a vast communication network in the human body which works to monitor the environment, and produce rapid adaptive responses as required.

I spent a lot of time at the conference networking with other teachers who share a similar interest in vocabulary development.

David Suzuki notes that across continents, the network of waterways resembles the circulatory system of a human body.

River systems are made up of a network of connecting channels.

noise - nod - noble - nightmare - nevertheless - neutral - 

The word network sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the network, a sentence example for network, and how to make network in sample sentence, how do I use the word networkin a sentence?spell network in a sentence? spelling of networkw