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use "neighbor" in a sentence

We met our new neighbors the day we moved into the apartment.

We just moved into the neighborhood a few days ago, and everyone has been so friendly.

In a neighborly gesture, the people next door brought us a big basket of fruit, cheese and wine when we moved into our new


Radiation which escaped from the nuclear power plant as a result of an accident has drifted into neighboring countries.

We really feel this is a safe neighborhood to raise a family in.

China is working to improve relations with neighboring countries.

My next door

neighbor used to go to school with you. She recognized you the last time you came to visit.

There is a Bantu proverb which states that a good deed will make a good neighbor.

Artist Marc Chagall remarked that in painting all colors are the friends of their neighbors, and the lovers of

their opposites.

There is a Moroccan proverb which states that you should either do as your neighbors do or move away.

According to a Palestinian proverb, your close neighbor is better than your faraway brother.

A Saudi Arabian proverb holds that lying and stealing are next door neighbors.

Many gardeners are attempting to attract bats to their neighborhoods because the animals eat up to 600 bugs per hour for 4 to 6 hours a night.

The moon is Earth's closest neighbor, at 384,400 kilometers away.

In October of 1978, the Rhodesian army attacked suspected guerrilla camps in neighboring Zambia, killing 300 people.

Discussion question: How well do you know your next door neighbors? Describe them.

Find someone who knows his/her neighbor's name.

nod - noble - nightmare - nevertheless - neutral - network - 

The word neighbor sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the neighbor, a sentence example for neighbor, and how to make neighbor in sample sentence, how do I use the word neighborin a sentence?spell neighbor in a sentence? spelling of neighborw