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use "negotiate" in a sentence

It took over 3 months of negotiating for the union and management to reach a first contract.

Negotiations between the government and nurses are going well, and hospitals should be back to normal by tomorrow.

A police negotiator says he has worked out a deal for the release of 3

hostages being held by a man described as emotionally unstable.

The union is in the middle of negotiations with the administration in an effort to avoid a strike.

We're planning on renegotiating the mortgage on our house now that interest rates have come down considerably in the last


The government has negotiated a truce with the guerrillas.

South African President DeKlerk was successful in negotiating a peaceful end to all-white rule in that country.

Victor Kiam once said that information is a negotiator's greatest weapon.

It has been

suggested that visible goodwill is the strongest negotiation strategy.

The workers are negotiating a new contract with management.

Henry Kissinger was the chief negotiator for the United States at the Paris peace talks, where an agreement to end the Vietnam war was reached.

Showing anger is one of the worst things you can do during business negotiations in Thailand.

These discussions have gone on far too long, and the union is not willing to negotiate any further.

The current borders of the African countries were made by white politicians negotiating in the capitals of Europe.

In 1922, the British government helped to negotiate an agreement on the border between Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

In Burundi, drinking beer through a straw is important in events such as marriage negotiations.

According to a popular tourist guide, very few travelers manage to negotiate sea passage out of Djibouti, as there is no passenger service.

An Icelandic proverb notes that need is a bad negotiator.

The salary for this job is negotiable depending on your education or experience.

Society can be viewed as a process in which human beings construct or negotiate social order.

Discussion question: Should governments negotiate with terrorists who are holding people hostage?

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The word negotiate sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the negotiate, a sentence example for negotiate, and how to make negotiate in sample sentence, how do I use the word negotiatein a sentence?spell negotiate in a sentence? spelling of negotiatew