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use "navigate" in a sentence

I drove the car, and my wife navigated our route across Ireland.

During childhood, each one of us has to navigate through a serious of difficult situations; some make it, and some don't.

We learned to navigate a course on the open ocean during my sailing course.

Salmon have

magnetic particles in their heads, which allow them to navigate to within a few yards of the place where they were born.

We had to navigate using a compass and the stars.

This software allows you to navigate easily and quickly through the millions of websites on the


They used a computer navigation system to guide them as they sailed around the world.

The river is navigable for the first few miles, but after that it is impossible to pass through in a boat because of the rocks and the rapids.

Honeybees navigate using the sun as a

compass even when it is hidden behind clouds.

Edward Gibbon once said that the winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.

There is an Italian proverb which notes that anyone can navigate in fine weather.

The Taiwan Strait's navigational hazards prevented large scale movement between Taiwan and Mainland China for many centuries.

Spain has only 7 navigable rivers, none of which is near the capital, Madrid.

The River Gambia is one of the most navigable of all African rivers.

During the rainy season, it is almost impossible to navigate through the rapids of the river.

In January of 1502, Portugese navigators landed at a harbor on the coast of South America, and named the site Rio de Janeiro, meaning River of January.

In April of 1581, Sir Frances Drake completed his circumnavigation of the globe.

Human beings depend on multiple sensory systems to navigate successfully in their environment.

The textbook has a number of different icons on the pages to help users navigate through the different sections of the book.

negotiate - neglect - negative - needle - necessary - neat - 

The word navigate sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the navigate, a sentence example for navigate, and how to make navigate in sample sentence, how do I use the word navigatein a sentence?spell navigate in a sentence? spelling of navigatew