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use "monitor" in a sentence

On March 12th, 1930, Mahatma Gandhi began a 300-mile journey to protest against a British law establishing a monopoly in producing salt in India.

No culture has a monopoly on morality or justice. There are stupid, lying people everywhere.

The student government at my university was

monopolized by students from the political science department.

Microsoft Corp. has been accused of violating laws against forming a monopoly.

John Rockefeller was 19 years old when he started out in the oil business; by the age of 40 he had built a monopoly and controlled 90 percent

of the world's refining.

Rick always monopolizes the discussions at our meetings. He doesn't give anyone else a chance to speak, and it's really starting to bug me.

If the government allows the two companies to merge, the new corporation will have a total monopoly on providing cable

television service in our area.

The government has a monopoly on car insurance in our province, so they can set the rates at whatever level they want.

The Russian government moved to end the state's monopoly on land ownership and began to divide the land among the people who had farmed it under the old one-owner system.

Sun Microsystems filed a suit against Microsoft, suggesting that the software giant might use its Windows monopoly to dominate the emerging market of Web services.

According to a recent report, the Russian government does not intend to end the export monopoly of the oil giant Gazprom, claiming that it is allowed by WTO rules.

The company is trying to gain a monopoly on air travel in this country by simply buying its main competitors.

A recent report suggests that television reporters monopolize election news coverage, often getting seven times as much speaking time as presidential candidates in election news stories.

Two players monopolized the awards night, winning eight of the ten trophies.

After the European colonial powers founded their empires, they tried to monopolize trade with the colonies and to turn it to their own profit.

It is not necessarily illegal for a company to have a monopoly or to try to achieve a monopoly position; it is only illegal if the company tries to maintain or acquire a monopoly position through unreasonable methods.

Greg! Don't monopolize the television remote. Let your sister use it too.

Henrik Ibsen once wrote, "I'm plotting revolution against this lie that the majority has a monopoly of the truth."

Ralph Waldo Emerson once noted that the learned and the studious of thought have no monopoly of wisdom.

Alistair Cooke once observed that between a quarter and a third of the Los Angeles land area is now monopolized by the automobile and its needs - by freeways, highways, garages, gas stations, car lots, parking lots.

Max Weber defined the state as an association that successfully claims a monopoly on the legitimate use of force within a given territory.

In China it is difficult to fight smoking because the tobacco industry is a national monopoly, and therefore the government has a vested interest in the industry.

He was the most famous person at the party, but because he monopolized the conversation, people soon got tired of listening to him.

mortgage - moral - moral - monster - monster - monster - 

The word monitor sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the monitor, a sentence example for monitor, and how to make monitor in sample sentence, how do I use the word monitorin a sentence?spell monitor in a sentence? spelling of monitorw