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use "mold" in a sentence

He poured the liquid clay into the mold and then set it aside to dry.

She separated the mold into its two halves and lifted out the little clay kitten she had made.

I don't like blue cheese; to me it just tastes like mold.

The bread was getting moldy, so I threw it


Absolutely pure gold is so soft that it can be molded with the hands.

In 1928, Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic effects of the penicillin mold.

In my science class, we grew a culture of mold on a piece of bread.

Penicillin is derived

from a certain kind of mold.

Children's interpretation of media content is molded by the opinions of parents, teachers, and friends.

Yi-Ping works in a factory pouring plastic into molds to make telephone receivers.

Jane molded the clay into the shape of a large


My mom made a wonderful birthday cake for me using a mold shaped like a dinosaur.

Her tight leather pants were perfectly molded to her beautiful long legs.

The cat molded itself around my feet and began to purr.

In the 1980s and early 1990s, the wine industry was plagued with bad corks, which gave many wines a moldy smell and taste.

The classic shallow champagne glass takes its shape from wax molds made of the breasts of Marie Antoinette.

He had just bitten into his sandwich when he noticed that the bread was all moldy.

Children are molded to a certain degree by their parents and family, and by the experiences they have as they grow up.

The old man has molded his son into his image so that he can take over the company one day.

A Mexican proverb notes that we are all made of the same clay, but not from the same mold.

Charlotte Bronte once remarked that if you are cast in a different mold to the majority, it is no merit of yours: Nature did it.

Alfred, Lord Tennyson once wrote, "Old men must die, or the world would grow moldy, would only breed the past again."

Samuel Butler once suggested that it is our less conscious thoughts and our less conscious actions which mainly mold our lives and the lives of those who spring from us.

Discussion question: Are we born with a certain character, or is our character entirely molded by the people around us and the experiences we have as we grow?

Find someone who has used a mold to make something from clay.

museum - muscle - murmur - multiply - mourn - mount - 

The word mold sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the mold, a sentence example for mold, and how to make mold in sample sentence, how do I use the word moldin a sentence?spell mold in a sentence? spelling of moldw