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use "migrate" in a sentence

Gray whales migrate down the coast of our state every year.

Migrant workers follow the fruit harvesting across the state every summer and fall.

There are a number of migratory birds which come to Swan Lake every year to nest.

People from the countryside are migrating

to the large cities in search of work.

There has been a great deal of migration to Israel of Jews from the former Soviet republics over the last few years.

Environmentalists fear the oil pipeline may disturb the migration patterns of the caribou in the far north.

There is increasing

evidence that migration from Asia to Australia took place as early as 100,000 years ago.

Most people who migrate from rural to urban areas do so for economic reasons.

The United States is a society in which migration has played an essential role in population growth.


cells can migrate throughout the body, and produce additional tumors.

Sea turtles migrate hundreds of miles between nesting and feeding grounds.

These wetlands are protected because they are nesting grounds for many migratory birds.

There is a type of bird which migrates a total distance of about 18,000 miles each year, from the Arctic to the Antarctic.

Migrating geese fly in a V-formation to conserve energy, and take turns in the lead position.

During migration, geese may cover up to 600 miles per day.

In Iraq over the past 50 years, there has been a widespread migration of people to the urban centers.

In 1987, a chain of special tunnels were opened under British highways to protect migrating toads during mating season.

The Gypsy people are believed to be the descendants of migrants from India in the 15th century.

Helen Hunt Jackon once wrote, "Oh, write of me, not "Died in bitter pains," but "Emigrated to another star!""

The gravel in the path tends to migrate to the bottom over time as a result of the downward slope.

The design for the new building encourages a natural migration of the students towards certain common areas where they can meet to chat or have lunch after class.

After the birds migrated south, the weather began to get really cold.

The early migrations of man were largely an account of his response to the changing environment of the ice age.

The study of magnetic properties in the rocks of North America suggests that the magnetic pole has migrated somewhat over the last several hundred million years.

Find someone who has seen a flock of birds migrating.

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The word migrate sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the migrate, a sentence example for migrate, and how to make migrate in sample sentence, how do I use the word migratein a sentence?spell migrate in a sentence? spelling of migratew