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use "method" in a sentence

What do you think is the best method to learn new vocabulary?

One of the best methods to stop the spread of AIDS is to use a condom.

I don't think hitting children is a very effective method of teaching them anything.

The teacher uses some innovative new methods to

make learning mathematics interesting and fun.

Someone once observed that experience is the most difficult method of learning.

Tsing-Tao is a Chinese beer made using German brewing methods.

The coach's new method for teaching basic football skills to small children has been

very successful.

In Britain, the law was changed in 1789 to make the method of execution hanging; prior to that, criminals were burned to death.

She is very slow and methodical in her work, but she certainly does an excellent job.

The soldier methodically made his way through

the bodies, stopping to shoot anyone who looked like he was still alive.

No birth control method is 100 percent effective.

Second language vocabulary can often be learned through indirect methods such as reading.

The first person to be executed by the method of lethal injection died in Texas in December of 1982.

In Russia, abortion still remains the main method of birth control.

Current ESL methodology emphasizes the importance of learning vocabulary.

The ESL programs here at the university and at the college follow somewhat different methodologies, with different perspectives on learning.

The teachers' approaches showed some methodological differences which resulted in varying teaching styles.

In the early 1900s, the use of trains revolutionized supply methods for modern armies.

Discussion question: What methods do you use to remember new vocabulary?

Find someone who has tried different methods to learn new vocabulary.

mill - military - militant - mild - migrate - mighty - 

The word method sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the method, a sentence example for method, and how to make method in sample sentence, how do I use the word methodin a sentence?spell method in a sentence? spelling of methodw