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use "material" in a sentence

What kind of material is your dress made of?

We need to buy some art materials for my daughter's drawing class.

You can recycle various materials instead of putting them in the garbage can.

Comedian Bill Cosby wrote all his own material for his comedy


Some condominiums are experiencing problems because the materials used in the construction of the buildings were of low quality.

Her political career is somewhat limited by the fact that there is a widespread perception that she is simply not leadership material.


aborigines of Australia had an elaborate ritual life, supported by the world's simplest known material technologies.

He has collected a lot of material wealth during his lifetime.

LeCorbusier once stated that the materials of city planning are: sky, space, trees, steel and cement; in

that order and that hierarchy.

Aluminum, glass, and paper are the three materials most easy to recycle.

Henry Ford once wore a suit and tie made from soy-based material.

In size, materials, and human labor, the Great Wall of China is the largest construction project ever undertaken by man.

Craig Kielburger once remarked that some children may have all they need materially, but often they have no real direction, and very little hope.

Birds use many different materials to build nests.

Although much of our garbage contains valuable raw materials, most of it is simply burned or buried.

Industry is now realizing that everything that is recycled reduces the expense of buying raw materials.

When giving a presentation, use various kinds of material, such as examples, statistics, pictures, to maintain audience interest.

He's a very materialistic person, and only thinks about cars and clothes.

Psychologists have determined that certain types of thinking processes increase the likelihood that material will be remembered later.

The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.

This evidence is material to the prosecution case.

I'm sorry, but your opinion is immaterial; we are going ahead with the plan whatever you think of it.

The testimony was considered immaterial to the case because it was based on hearsay.

The police are asking for help from anyone who has evidence which may be material to the murder investigation.

measure - mayor - maximum - mature - matter - mathematics - 

The word material sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the material, a sentence example for material, and how to make material in sample sentence, how do I use the word materialin a sentence?spell material in a sentence? spelling of materialw