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use "manner" in a sentence

The idea of polite manners has changed a lot between my parents' generation and my children's.

In some cultures, it is not good manners to blow your nose in public.

People sometimes forget that it is important to speak to children in a manner which is respectful, rather than just

giving them orders.

When C-line meets friends, she kisses them on both cheeks, in the manner of French-Canadians.

The clerk smiled in a friendly manner when we walked into the store.

In the past, it seems that it was considered good manners for children to simply be silent

observers of others' conversations.

Brian has a very confrontational manner when talking to his employees.

Lin Yutang once said that if you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live.

Male monkeys lose the hair on their heads

in the same manner men do.

In the culture of Tibet, it's good manners to stick out your tongue at your guests.

The major environmental issue in Fiji is how to dispose of waste materials in a responsible manner.

An Iranian proverb notes that we learn good manners from those who don't have them.

Someone once suggested that a great many children face the hard problem of learning good table manners without seeing any.

Pierre Corneille once observed that the manner of giving is worth more than the gift.

Discussion question: How has the idea of good manners changed from your parents' time to today?

Find someone who thinks good manners are important.

margin - march - manuscript - manufacture - manual - maneuver - 

The word manner sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the manner, a sentence example for manner, and how to make manner in sample sentence, how do I use the word mannerin a sentence?spell manner in a sentence? spelling of mannerw