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use "manage" in a sentence

I don't know how my neighbor manages to work full-time, raise her two children, and keep her house clean, all by herself.

I think we should talk to the apartment manager about the noise in our apartment building at night.

What this company needs is better management, not a harder

working office staff.

You need to learn to manage your finances a little better because you're not paying your bills.

His managerial skills are not quite what they should be to oversee a staff of this size.

How do you manage to stay so slim?

Our stupid puppy

managed to eat 3 pairs of leather shoes, destroy our curtains, urinate on our new rug, and eat most of our house plants while I was at work today.

William Burroughs once joked that after one look at this planet, any visitor from outer space would say "I want to see the manager."


Franklin wrote that an undutiful daughter will prove an unmanageable wife.

There is a Portuguese proverb which states that good management is better than good income.

Studies show that in 75% of American households, women manage the money, and pay the bills.

American theater managers say they sell the most popcorn during the showing of scary movies.

Before beginning his movie career, Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto, Ontario.

The Foundation for Future Leadership says women bosses score better than men on 28 of 31 management characteristics, such as meeting deadlines, generating ideas, and boosting productivity.

The country of Malta has managed to preserve its culture, despite its contact with foreign influences throughout its 6,000 years of history.

In the rural areas of Costa Rica, girls manage household chores while boys do outdoor tasks such as chopping wood.

According to a popular tourist guide, Swaziland's natural resources are extremely well managed, with the result that it has some of the best game reserves and national parks in southern Africa.

After years of economic mismanagement, North Korea relies heavily on international food aid to feed its population.

You can make difficult tasks more manageable by breaking them down into a number of steps.

If you exercise regularly, and eat a healthy diet, you will find it easier to manage your weight.

I had tons of work to do, but I still managed to get it all finished.

manual - maneuver - manner - manifest - manifest - mandate - 

The word manage sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the manage, a sentence example for manage, and how to make manage in sample sentence, how do I use the word managein a sentence?spell manage in a sentence? spelling of managew