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use "literally" in a sentence

The players were literally dripping wet after the two-hour practice.

The literal meaning of "starving" is dying of hunger, but people often use it to mean they are very hungry.

The views of the city from the top of the mountain are literally breath-taking.

The runner had to

literally crawl over the finish line after hurting his foot in the last hundred meters of the marathon.

There were literally hundreds of thousands of people celebrating in the streets of the city after the World Cup final.

They continue to believe in a literal Biblical account of


Muslims believe the Koran to be the literal word of God, as revealed to Muhammad through the Angel Gabriel.

It can be difficult to make a literal translation of some expressions from other languages because the idea expressed is often specific to the culture.

It seems that

every new word I learn has a figurative meaning which is often quite different from the literal meaning.

The culture of Thailand regards the head as the highest part of the body, both literally and figuratively.

Thomas Edison once said that if we did all the things we were capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves.

I read somewhere that the verb "to love" in Persian is "to have a friend." "I love you" translated literally is "I have you as a friend," and "I don't like you" simply means "I don't have you as a friend."

Mel Brooks once remarked that life literally abounds in comedy if you just look around you.

Barbara Bush once observed that some people give time, some money, some their skills and connections, some literally give their life's blood, but everyone has something to give.

The name Indonesians give to their country in their own language literally means, "Our Nation of Land and Water."

There are literally thousands of different kinds of insects living in Papua New Guinea.

The islands of the Maldives are so flat, and so close to sea level that the slightest storm could literally wash away some of the smaller islands.

For many students in Taiwan, their primary goal is to pass the college entrance examination, and their lives are literally filled with tests and exams.

Maurice Strong recently remarked that what we do in our generation, or what we fail to do, will literally determine the fate of the Earth.

local - lobby - loan - load - litter - literature - 

The word literally sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the literally, a sentence example for literally, and how to make literally in sample sentence, how do I use the word literallyin a sentence?spell literally in a sentence? spelling of literallyw