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use "likelihood" in a sentence

There is every likelihood that we will have a lot of snow in St. Paul this winter.

The weather will likely remain sunny for the coming week.

It's not very likely that Marsha will come to the party because she doesn't know anybody apart from you and I.

Computers are

likely to become more and more important to the functioning of our daily lives in the years to come.

The likelihood is that if the Conservatives lose any more members, their leader will be forced to resign.

He is a likely candidate for the post of vice-president of


Housing sales are not likely to go up until interest rates come down.

Norman Vincent Peale once observed, "Believe you are defeated, believe it long enough, and it is likely to become a fact."

You are more likely to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous


If you get below 70% on the final test, it is likely that you will fail the course.

It seems unlikely that Finland will lose the next hockey game against Belarus because that team is considered somewhat weak.

Laura doesn't really like drinking, so it is very unlikely that she will come to the pub with us tonight.

He is the most likely person to succeed because he works really hard.

Men in the Republic of Georgia are unlikely to help with household chores such as washing or cooking, which they consider feminine tasks.

The average American viewer is likely to see 15 murders a week on television.

Whatever your favorite sport, it is likely to have at least one fan who has prepared a website dedicated to the game.

1923 Nobel prize winner for physics Robert Millikan once stated, "There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom."

Probability is the likelihood of a particular event happening.

Studies show that men are more likely than women to smoke cigarettes, and twice as likely to have five or more drinks a day.

Research into nearly every culture in the world seems to indicate that men are more likely than women to pursue short-term sexual strategies.

Psychologists have determined that certain types of thinking processes increase the likelihood that material will be remembered later.

The likelihood of the occurrence of prejudice and discriminatory behavior is increased by stereotypes.

A Turkish proverb notes that when one eats and the other looks on, there is likely to be a fight.

People who suffer from chronic stress are twice as likely to get sick from a cold or flu.

Studies show that in Thailand, where peaceful Buddhist teachings are common, parents are less likely to spank their children.

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The word likelihood sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the likelihood, a sentence example for likelihood, and how to make likelihood in sample sentence, how do I use the word likelihoodin a sentence?spell likelihood in a sentence? spelling of likelihoodw