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use "liable" in a sentence

If someone goes to a party at your house, and then tries to drive home drunk, you could be held liable if they are in an accident.

She's not a good skater, so she is liable to hurt herself if she goes rollerblading without a helmet.

Eating food with too much cholesterol makes the veins

liable to thicken, and may result in heart problems.

The government is being held liable by people who contracted AIDS through blood transfusions from our public blood agency.

If the customers sign a waiver, the company cannot be held liable for any injuries suffered during their

whale watching expedition.

The company has admitted liability for the accident, and is paying all medical costs.

With the party's recent poor showing in public opinion polls, the leader is increasingly being seen as a liability.

For the first time since we opened two years ago, our

profits have surpassed our liabilities, and the company is now expected to grow steadily.

The company has reported earnings of $85 million, and liabilities of $53 million.

Corporations are legally created entities which allow people to establish organizations while minimizing their personal liabilities.

In today's urban lifestyle because children are no longer a source of labor, they have become an economic liability.

Pat Brown once remarked that when a man throws an empty cigarette package from an automobile, he is liable to a fine of $50, but when a man throws a billboard across a view, he is richly rewarded.

In 1984, the New Jersey Supreme Court ruled that a host may be held liable for serving alcohol to persons later involved in drunk-driving incidents.

In September of 1940, President Roosevelt signed a bill which made all Americans between 21 and 35 liable to be called for military service.

Insurance companies say you should never admit liability in an accident, even if you know it is your fault.

You will be liable for any debts incurred if you sign this agreement.

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The word liable sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the liable, a sentence example for liable, and how to make liable in sample sentence, how do I use the word liablein a sentence?spell liable in a sentence? spelling of liablew