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use "inherit" in a sentence

He inherited the family farm when his grandfather passed away.

Did you inherit this old china cabinet from your grandparents?

He lost his entire inheritance gambling on the stock market.

Peter inherited 5 million dollars from his uncle, who was incredibly


When my inheritance comes, I will hire a private chef, and never cook again.

She has inherited her mother's good looks.

After her grandfather died, she inherited his company.

He's never worked in his life, but he is rich simply because he received a large

inheritance from his auntie.

Prince Charles is the heir to the British throne.

Doris Day once said that wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children.

Dick Cavett once joked that sex is hereditary; if your parents never had it, chances are you won't


Culture is learned; it is not biologically inherited.

There is a Kenyan proverb that states that we have not inherited this land from our ancestors; rather we have borrowed it from our children.

Heredity plays a big role in your body shape, and what you weigh.

The heiress to the L'Oreal cosmetics company is the richest woman in the world.

From the ancient Greeks we have inherited the notion of education as worth pursuing for its own sake.

Lisa Marie Presley inherited 130 million dollars from her father Elvis Presley, after his death.

Islamic law holds that a woman receives half the amount of inheritance that a man receives.

Isadora Duncan once said that the finest inheritance you can give to a child is to allow it to make its own way, completely on its own feet.

Women in Kazakhstan are not entitled to any inheritance from a family member.

Inheritance provides the constancy of form and variation in detail that are characteristic of all living things.

Discussion question: Have you ever received an inheritance? Who was it from and what did you do with it?

Find someone who has inherited something from a relative.

innocent - injure - inject - initiative - initial - inhibit - 

The word inherit sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the inherit, a sentence example for inherit, and how to make inherit in sample sentence, how do I use the word inheritin a sentence?spell inherit in a sentence? spelling of inheritw