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use "inhabitant" in a sentence

Antarctica's inhabitants number about 1,000 people in winter, and about 2,000 in summer.

There are no rivers or lakes on the islands of Bermuda, so the inhabitants must use rain for water.

In our universe, there are thousands of millions of planets which have all the conditions necessary

to make them habitable by known life forms.

Native tribes have inhabited this island for over 4,000 years.

The first inhabitants of the village were all killed by disease.

John Berger once said that when we read a story, we inhabit it.

Gail Godwin once suggested

that actors between plays are like ghosts looking for bodies to inhabit.

James Garfield once said that territory is but the body of a nation. The people who inhabit its hills and valleys are its soul, its spirit, its life.

Few people know that during the American revolution, more

inhabitants of the American colonies fought for the British than for the revolutionary army.

According to an old myth, the city of London was founded by Brutus the Trojan, who together with his warriors defeated the original inhabitants of Britain, a race of giants.

A Hebrew proverb states that there are three things that attract: a house for its inhabitants, a woman for her spouse, and a bargain for a customer.

The original inhabitants of North America were the native people.

To a great extent, women and men inhabit their own social worlds.

The expedition to Jupiter has proven that the planet is inhabited by tiny, monkey-men with two heads, and a long, curly tail.

I read somewhere that there is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants.

Some scientists fear that inaction on reducing global warming could eventually make our planet uninhabitable.

Claude Helvetius once said that to limit the press is to insult a nation, and to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or slaves.

In July of 1987, an eight-pound baby boy born in Yugoslavia was proclaimed the five billionth inhabitant of Earth.

The continent of Antarctica has no indigenous inhabitants.

Humans and their ancestors have inhabited the African continent for over four million years.

Discussion question: Do you think that other planets in our universe are inhabited?

Find someone who believes that other planets may be inhabited.

inject - initiative - initial - inhibit - inherit - inherent - 

The word inhabitant sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the inhabitant, a sentence example for inhabitant, and how to make inhabitant in sample sentence, how do I use the word inhabitantin a sentence?spell inhabitant in a sentence? spelling of inhabitantw