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use "ingredient" in a sentence

This cake is delicious! What are the ingredients? There's something in here that I recognize, but I can't figure out what it is.

This movie has all the ingredients necessary to be a huge success.

Mix all the dry ingredients before adding the milk.

One special

ingredient in my chocolate cake is a quarter cup of Gran Marnier liqueur.

The ingredients for my recipe are a family secret.

One of the principal ingredients necessary for success is simple hard work.

I couldn't make the cake I wanted because I didn't have all the

ingredients I needed.

Benjamin Disraeli once observed that patience is a necessary ingredient of genius.

Theodore Roosevelt once said that the most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people.

Surprisingly, peanuts are one of

the ingredients of dynamite.

According to Italian chefs, ingredients that should never appear on an authentic Italian pizza include bell pepper, pepperoni, or chicken.

Rubber is one of the ingredients of bubble gum, and allows the chewer to blow a bubble.

Social change is an essential ingredient of our society.

From the early Roman Empire until eighteenth-century Europe and America, urine was a main ingredient in toothpaste.

It was only after the Spanish added sugar to the ingredients in the Indian recipe for chocolate that it became popular throughout Europe.

A recent report suggests that there may be a hidden ingredient in the chocolate you eat: slave labor forced to pick cocoa beans in the west African nation of the Ivory Coast.

Discussion question: What are the ingredients of a favorite dish from your culture?

initiative - initial - inhibit - inherit - inherent - inhabitant - 

The word ingredient sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the ingredient, a sentence example for ingredient, and how to make ingredient in sample sentence, how do I use the word ingredientin a sentence?spell ingredient in a sentence? spelling of ingredientw