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use "influence" in a sentence

Young people are often influenced by their friends, but they generally learn most of their values at home.

Movie stars and sports celebrities have always had a lot of influence on what young people wear.

David Suzuki is one of the most influential figures working for the environment


As my children get older, I have much less influence over them.

My grandma influenced me to study graphic arts because she thought I was good in design.

Eric Clapton was a major influence on the guitarists of his time.

She has a lot of influential friends

in the company, so she's sure to get a good job there.

Kenneth Blanchard once said that the key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.

Ingrid Bengis once noted that words are a form of action, capable of influencing change.

The United States has enormous

influence due to both its great size and its economic success.

Studies have found that one third of Americans aged 18 to 29 years old believe, to some extent, that horoscopes and the stars influence and predict events in their lives.

Punjabis are the most influential ethnic group in Pakistan.

There is a Korean proverb which states that power lasts ten years; influence not more than a hundred.

After World War Two, Czechoslovakia fell within the Soviet sphere of influence.

The Boer War enormously extended Great Britain's influence on the African continent.

One cannot overstate the influence Africa has had on the music of the world.

Ironically, many of the foreign music styles that have been most influential on today's African music have African origins.

Natural landscapes are greatly influenced by both the rock structure of a region and its climate.

In musical terms, Italy remained the most influential region of Europe from the mid-sixteenth to mid-eighteenth centuries.

Discussion question: Who do you think has more influence on children, their parents or their friends?

inherit - inherent - inhabitant - ingredient - infrastructure - inform - 

The word influence sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

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