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use "infect" in a sentence

Don't come close to me; I have a bad cold, and I don't want to infect you.

Many people who have been infected with AIDS got the disease through a blood transfusion.

Chicken pox is an infectious disease which is usually not too bad for children, but which can be much more serious for


The children all got an infection in their eyes after swimming in the polluted waters of the lake.

Don't scratch your mosquito bites or they could get infected.

Her good humor is very infectious, and everyone loves to be around her.

You'd better wash that cut if

you don't want it to get infected.

Plato said that false words are not only evil in themselves, but they infect the soul with evil.

At the turn of the century, infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia were the leading cause of death in the United States.


occurs after a person has had a certain infection once.

In 1798, Edward Jenner proved that people could be vaccinated against infectious diseases.

Researchers infected the monkeys with a virus in order to test the antibiotic.

Doctors advise that preventing a sexually-transmitted disease is easier than treating an infection once it occurs.

Studies show that 60% of adults with HIV will develop AIDS within 12-13 years of becoming infected.

It is important to isolate patients with infectious diseases so that others will not become sick.

The steel band music of Trinidad and Tobago is an infectious musical rhythm with a strong beat, and notes similar to American jazz.

In 1865, Joseph Lister became the first doctor to utilize disinfectant during surgery.

Studies show that only a fraction of the world's one billion young people know how one becomes infected by HIV.

My sister is very ill with a serious lung infection.

influence - inflict - inflation - infinite - inferior - infer - 

The word infect sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the infect, a sentence example for infect, and how to make infect in sample sentence, how do I use the word infectin a sentence?spell infect in a sentence? spelling of infectw