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use "inevitable" in a sentence

It was inevitable that Pat would get injured because of his interest in extreme sports.

The inevitability of death is a fact that we must all face at some point in our lives.

It was inevitable that Sam would be fired because he was always coming to work late, and leaving


It is inevitable that you will win something if you keep buying lottery tickets, but you will probably never get back as much as you have spent.

He will inevitably hurt himself because he takes too many risks.

John F. Kennedy once observed that those who make peaceful

revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

Andrew Young once said that in a world where change is inevitable and continuous, the need to achieve that change without violence is essential for survival.

Members of urban industrial cultures often believe their own culture

is the superior end product of inevitable and progressive evolutionary development.

Michael Gelb once said that champions know that success is inevitable, and that there is no such thing as failure, only feedback.

If she continues to speed, she will inevitably crash.

Salmon inevitably die after spawning.

Someone once joked that change is inevitable, except from vending machines.

The typical Irish meal is accompanied by the inevitable mug of dark beer.

Scientists warn that if humankind is going to have a future on this planet, it is absolutely inevitable that we find another energy source.

Aging and wrinkles are inevitable, so the best thing to do is to make sure your wrinkles are laugh lines.

With the declaration of war in 1939, Britain began preparing for the inevitable bombing of its cities.

inflict - inflation - infinite - inferior - infer - infect - 

The word inevitable sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the inevitable, a sentence example for inevitable, and how to make inevitable in sample sentence, how do I use the word inevitablein a sentence?spell inevitable in a sentence? spelling of inevitablew