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use "industry" in a sentence

Most of the industries in this city are located on the west side of the river.

Car manufacturing is an important industry in Ontario.

In my opinion, the government should do more to prosecute industries that pollute the environment.

Sandra's hometown is a very

industrialized city; I wouldn't want to live there.

Our new factory is located in the industrialized section of town.

The industrialization of Great Britain was the beginning of a global transformation in the world of work.

A meeting of the top 5 industrialized nations

is to take place next month in Bonn.

Many jobs in the industrialized world are now being done by machines.

There is a direct link between industrial pollution and certain respiratory illnesses.

The industrial societies of the world are entirely dependent on oil.


is an old proverb which observes that want is the mother of industry.

The entire airline industry in the United States was shut down for a short time after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

On December 3, 1984, poison gas killed more than 2,000 people in Bhopal, India, in the world's worst industrial accident.

The world's worst industrial fire occurred in Bangkok, Thailand in 1993, when 188 workers were killed, and another 469 injured in a toy factory.

Industrialization of the world has resulted in the enrichment, impoverishment and destabilization of differing regions.

The industrialization of agriculture has brought many benefits to society, and has helped to reduce hunger in a growing world population.

Comedian Jackie Mason once noted that it is more profitable for politicians to support the tobacco industry than your life.

Charles Fillmore once remarked that men who accomplish great things in the industrial world are the ones who have faith in the money producing power of ideas.

Jean de LaBruyere once suggested that there are but two ways of rising in the world - either by one's own industry or profiting from the foolishness of others.

A Tamil proverb notes that industry in youth will support one in old age.

A Philippine proverb suggests that industry is the twin brother of prosperity.

Waste products are routinely labelled as agricultural, industrial or municipal.

Discussion question: What are the most important industries in your country?

Find someone who has worked in industry.

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The word industry sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the industry, a sentence example for industry, and how to make industry in sample sentence, how do I use the word industryin a sentence?spell industry in a sentence? spelling of industryw