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use "induce" in a sentence

Civil servants are being induced to take early retirement in order to make cuts to the government's budget.

The family physician said he was afraid that surgery could induce a heart attack.

The baby was over 2 weeks late, and had to be induced.

Many stress-induced

illnesses can be prevented by learning relaxation techniques.

During hallucinations induced by drug use, the teen thought his friend was trying to kill him.

The Alberta government is offering substantial tax breaks to induce businesses into coming to the province.

Employees are being

offered various inducements to quit smoking.

French playwright Moliere once remarked that people can be induced to swallow anything, provided it is sufficiently seasoned with praise.

Reports now suggest the drug may induce heart attacks, and users should be closely followed by their


The government has introduced a lower minimum wage for those starting their first jobs in an effort to induce companies to hire more young people.

The label on the package says that if the cleaning liquid is accidentally swallowed, you should induce vomiting, and go to a hospital immediately.

The doctor is considering inducing the baby if it's not born within the next couple of days.

Small hairs in your nose work to trap dust particles and then expel them by inducing a sneeze.

Scientists state that the evidence of human-induced climate change is now overwhelming.

We cannot always anticipate the ways in which natural systems will adjust to changes induced by the activities of modern society.

inferior - infer - infect - inevitable - industry - indulge - 

The word induce sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the induce, a sentence example for induce, and how to make induce in sample sentence, how do I use the word inducein a sentence?spell induce in a sentence? spelling of inducew