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use "individual" in a sentence

Do you believe that individual rights are more important than the collective rights of society?

Each chocolate is individually wrapped in a colorful foil package.

Every individual has a unique DNA.

British society seems very individualistic, whereas in my country

people are more interested in social harmony.

There are a number of individuals in this corporation who have made an outstanding contribution this past year.

At Computaschools, we offer individualized learning programs that fit your needs, and let you progress at your own rate.


individual has a right to be treated with respect.

In 1977, the president of a computer company suggested that there is no reason for any individual to have a computer in his home.

Pearl Buck once said that a good marriage is one which allows for change and growth in the individuals,

and in the way they express their love.

Oscar Wilde once said that art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.

One individual organ transplant donor can provide organs, bone, and tissue for 50 or more people in need.

The oldest individual to win a medal in the Olympics was Oscar Swahn, who won a silver medal in shooting at the age of 72.

U.S. and Russian spy satellites are so sensitive that they can detect individual pumpkins in a farmer's field.

In Japan, marriage has traditionally been considered a matter between families, rather than individuals.

The Hindu religion was not founded by one individual, but is the result of the coming together of many religious beliefs.

Although each individual is unique, members of the same species share certain obvious common features.

Sexual activity is unnecessary for individual survival, but it is essential to ensure that our genes are represented in the next generation.

Studies have shown that individual brain cells often respond to particular kinds of events in the environment.

John Dingman once suggested that cats are absolute individuals with their own ideas about everything, including the people they own.

The teacher designed an individualized program for the student to help him reach his specific goals.

Many teenagers try to express their individuality by dressing in a certain way.

Glenn is an individualist who likes to make his own decisions, and never worries what others think of him.

I appreciate your individualism, but sometimes you need to learn to work as part of a team.

Discussion question: What is more important in society; the rights of an individual or the rights of society as a whole?

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The word individual sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the individual, a sentence example for individual, and how to make individual in sample sentence, how do I use the word individualin a sentence?spell individual in a sentence? spelling of individualw