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use "index" in a sentence

In a book on hockey, Wayne Gretzky's name shows dozens of references in the index.

I looked in the table of contents and the index, and I couldn't find anything about it.

Books in the library are indexed by author, title, subject, and key word.

The New York Stock index

is showing a slight drop today.

The inflation index shows a slight increase in the cost of housing over the last six months.

The consumer price index indicates that the cost of living has increased by almost 3%.

The encyclopedia consists of 20 volumes plus an extra index


The journal is indexed by author, title, and subject.

The index in this book is quite extensive, so you may find it useful.

Their Internet site offers an index of the news stories of the past year.

There is an old proverb which states that the face is no

index to the heart.

Zadok Rabinwitz once said that a man's dreams are an index to his greatness.

The Statue of Liberty's index finger is 8 feet long, and it displays a fingernail measuring 13 by 10 inches.

Those who are critical of IQ tests suggest they fail to provide a broad index of human intelligence.

There are two indexes at the back of the book; one listing references, and one listing subjects.

inevitable - industry - indulge - induce - individual - indicate - 

The word index sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the index, a sentence example for index, and how to make index in sample sentence, how do I use the word indexin a sentence?spell index in a sentence? spelling of indexw