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use "income" in a sentence

It is generally quite difficult to raise a family on a single income in this country today, so very often both parents work full-time.

Their combined family income is about $50,000 a year.

Tax is payable on all income received between January 1st and December 31st of this


Any tips received must be included in your income on your tax form.

Most of the income at their video store comes from rentals of pornography.

They live in a housing complex which is subsidized for low income families.

Our family income was lower than usual

last year because my wife quit work in August to have our baby.

There is a Portuguese proverb which states that good management is better than good income.

Writer Jane Austen once wrote that a large income is the best recipe for happiness she ever heard of.

Studies show that in this

country, the bottom 20 percent of society receive only 4 percent of the national income.

One important indicator of quality of life is the proportion of income one has to spend in order to buy food.

Your ability to retire in comfort may depend on how wisely you invest a portion of your income during your working years.

Ten percent of the Russian government's income comes from the sale of vodka.

Bermuda has the highest per capita income in the world, except for the oil-producing countries of the Middle East.

In 1915, the average annual family income in the United States was $687 a year.

Studies show that the world's teenagers consume a disproportionate share of their families' income.

Denmark has the highest rate of income tax in the world, at 68%.

Studies show that physical inactivity increases with age and is more common among women than men and among those with lower income and less education.

Someone once joked that if you live within your income, you'll live without worry - and without a lot of other things.

The cost of supporting Vietnam's military takes more than half the nation's income.

In the tourist areas of Spain, incomes are on average 20% higher than in the industrial regions.

Studies show that when mothers control a greater share of household income, they tend to invest that money back into their families.

Find someone who paid income tax last year.

index - independent - incur - incredible - increase - incorporate - 

The word income sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the income, a sentence example for income, and how to make income in sample sentence, how do I use the word incomein a sentence?spell income in a sentence? spelling of incomew