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use "incentive" in a sentence

The teacher gave the children little stars as an incentive to clean up their desks at the end of each day.

I'm already at the top of my pay scale at work, so I don't really have any economic incentive to work harder.

The players receive a pay bonus for every game they win as an added

incentive in the playoffs.

Large commissions are a powerful incentive for sales staff working in this store.

Each salesman who brings in $20,000 or more in a month receives a $1,000 bonus, and as an added incentive, the top salesman will win a free trip for two to Cancun,


My greatest incentive in quitting smoking was the positive example it set for my children.

The government has announced a number of tax incentives to attract new businesses to our state.

The government used to give tax breaks to parents of three or more children as an

incentive to having larger families.

Hosea Ballou once remarked that doubt is an incentive to truth.

Orison Marden once stated that there is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something tomorrow.

They gave their son $10 for every A on his report card as an incentive.

A recent report suggests that governments need to eliminate pricing systems that encourage oil use, and replace them with policies that provide incentives for alternative energy.

In Japan, the government is now offering financial incentives to consumers who buy cars which produce less pollution.

Encouraged by duty-free access to the U.S., and by tax incentives, American companies have invested heavily in Puerto Rico since the 1950s.

Discount prices are offered as an incentive to customers to pay promptly.

With cigarettes costing as little as 25 US cents a pack, there is little incentive for the huge number of smokers in China to quit the deadly habit.

increase - incorporate - income - include - incline - incident - 

The word incentive sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the incentive, a sentence example for incentive, and how to make incentive in sample sentence, how do I use the word incentivein a sentence?spell incentive in a sentence? spelling of incentivew