The dimensions of the room are about 15 feet by 20 feet.
Sony is working on new technology to produce video games that are truly three dimensional.
It is impossible to really know the dimensions of the problem until we have spoken with all the people affected.
dimensions of the oil find are even greater than originally predicted.
The dimensions of a regulation doubles tennis court are 36' x 78'.
We'd better calculate the dimensions of the playground we're building, so we know how much gravel to put under the play structure.
measurements of the dimensions of the room were not very accurate.
Oliver Wendell Holmes once remarked that man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.
The ancient Egyptians viewed death as a transition to a similar existence in a different
The dimensions of the tragedy of the terrorist attacks on New York are still difficult to comprehend.
We'd better check the dimensions of the room again before we start cutting this new carpet.
Sigmund Freud believed that the roots of human behavior lay in the mind's irrational, unconscious dimensions.
The dimensions of the locks in the Panama Canal limit the size of ships that can use the waterway.
Repeated studies show that individuals who are physically attractive are perceived as superior on a variety of dimensions.
Homelessness is a multidimensional problem which cannot be resolved by simply passing laws against loitering.
Computer chat rooms have added a whole new dimension to the dating process.
Your education will take on a new dimension when you begin to organize what you learn in your own way.