Enrollment in the English Language Program usually decreases in the spring session because the students have to return to their countries to start school.
We have seen a big decrease in our costs since implementing the computer inventory system.
My weight has decreased by about one
pound a week since I started jogging, and watching what I eat.
The population of this country would decrease due to our low birth rate if we didn't have as much immigration.
There has been a significant decrease in interest rates over the last year, so housing sales are up.
general, a car's trade-in value decreases by about 30% per year.
When you are taking vitamin C, you can take large amounts at first, but then decrease the dose if you start having stomach problems or diarrhea.
The Buddha tells us that thousands of candles can be lighted from a single
candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
There is a Maltese proverb which holds that the wallet of the timid man neither increases nor decreases.
If the sun's energy output decreased by ten percent, the entire earth would be covered in ice over one kilometer thick.
When you give up smoking, your risk for cancer decreases.
Supplies of medicine and medical equipment in Azerbaijan are decreasing, and many clinics are having difficulty providing proper care.
Agricultural activity in Lesotho has decreased in recent years due to a severe drought.
Studies show that there has been a decrease in the world's sea ice of 2.9 percent every decade.
Records show that when doctors in Los Angeles went on strike in 1976, the daily number of deaths in the city decreased.