The test will consist of a series of true or false questions and two essay questions.
The team consists of the best players from all over the country.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said that love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same
The polar bear's diet consists almost entirely of seals and fish.
A traditional Japanese breakfast typically consists of a bowl of rice, miso soup, broiled fish, and pickled vegetables.
Success consists of doing your best, believing in yourself, and learning from
your mistakes.
The traditional Korean family consists of parents, children, and grandparents.
The boys' suppers for the three days they went camping together consisted of hamburgers, chocolate bars and potato chips.
Our class consists of students from ten different
My job consists of simply inputting data in the computers; I don't have to understand any of it.
The rebel army mainly consists of secret police who worked for the former regime.
The park consists of 2 square miles of ancient maple trees and a small lake filled with ducks.
Someone once joked that a family consists of a husband who gets an idea, the kids who say it can't be done, and the wife who does it.
The diet of the people of Malawi consists mostly of grains and vegetables.
An Arab proverb tells us that wisdom consists of ten parts - nine parts of silence, and one part with few words.
You will write a final exam consisting of both a reading and writing section.
The center of the planet Earth is believed to consist of two distinct parts, with a liquid outer core surrounding a solid inner core.
Though minerals can consist of a single element, most minerals are actually compounds.