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use "conflict" in a sentence

Thousands of people lost their homes and all their belongings in the conflict in Kosovo this spring.

I can't take that course because the time conflicts with my psychology lecture.

Witnesses to the murder gave conflicting reports of what happened, so police are still


There are reports out of the Middle East of a worsening in the conflict between the Palestinians and Israeli settlers on the West Bank.

The U.S. and Russia are meeting today to try to find a way of bringing an end to the armed conflict in Yugoslavia.

Jeane Kirkpatrick

once said that we have war when at least one of the parties to a conflict wants something more than it wants peace.

The potential for religion to contribute to conflict has been dramatically illustrated in Northern Ireland.

There is an Irish proverb which states, "Let him who will not have

advice have conflict."

Isaac Newton's discovery of gravity brought him into conflict with the Catholic King, James II.

William E. Channing once remarked that the human spirit grows strong by conflict.

It is important for children to learn how to resolve conflicts through discussion.

Karen Horney once said that fortunately, psychoanalysis is not the only way to resolve inner conflicts. Life itself remains a very effective therapist.

In the 1950s, Austria's leaders declared that the country would not take sides in any future European conflict.

The central districts of Estonia's two main cities have changed little despite a long history of invasion, occupation, warfare and conflict.

Egypt often acts as neutral ground and negotiator in conflicts between nations in the Middle East.

The conflict for fresh water is growing in many of the former Soviet republics, which share many of the same waterways.

For decades, the West Bank and Gaza Strip have been a source of conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled schoolchildren could not be made to salute the American flag if doing so would conflict with their religious beliefs.

Thailand was allied with Japan during World War Two, but became a U.S. ally following the conflict.

By studying psychology, you may learn things about yourself that conflict with your familiar view of everyday experience.

The staff meeting conflicted with my dental appointment, so I had to reschedule.

It is estimated that there are as many as 300,000 child soldiers who are currently fighting in at least two dozen armed conflicts around the world.

conquer - connect - congratulate - confuse - confront - conform - 

The word conflict sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the conflict, a sentence example for conflict, and how to make conflict in sample sentence, how do I use the word conflictin a sentence?spell conflict in a sentence? spelling of conflictw