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use "condemn" in a sentence

The murderer was condemned to die in the electric chair.

Leaders of all the major political parties have joined together to condemn this latest violent incident by extremist groups.

His overwhelming shyness around women has condemned him to life as a bachelor.

After the

earthquake, a number of old buildings had to be condemned due to serious cracks in the foundations.

The most recent American attacks on Iraqi military installations have been roundly condemned in the Arab world.

Galileo was condemned by the church and imprisoned until his death in

1642 for suggesting that the earth was not the center of the universe.

The condemned man asked to have the opportunity to apologize to the parents of his victim before his execution.

Universal public condemnation of the policy has led the government to revisit its initial


Don't condemn me for one little mistake. Believe me, it'll never happen again.

Benjamin Franklin once said that any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain, and most fools do.

Henry Ward Beecher once observed that compassion will cure more sins than condemnation.

George Santayana once said that those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

Cicero once observed that people condemn what they do not understand.

Hans Selye once observed that as much as we thirst for approval, we dread condemnation.

There is a Hebrew proverb which states that he who is his own judge never finds a reason to condemn.

The man who planted a bomb that killed over 150 people in the U.S. has been condemned to die for his crime.

In the original fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," the wicked queen was condemned to dance in red-hot iron shoes until she died.

In May of 1431, Joan of Arc was condemned by an English-dominated church court, and burned at the stake.

Find someone who thinks murderers should be condemned to death.

confine - confident - confess - confer - conduct - condition - 

The word condemn sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the condemn, a sentence example for condemn, and how to make condemn in sample sentence, how do I use the word condemnin a sentence?spell condemn in a sentence? spelling of condemnw