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use "concrete" in a sentence

A little boy at school cut his head when he fell and hit it on a concrete tunnel they were playing in.

In general, our roads are made from asphalt, and the sidewalks are concrete.

The posts for the playground equipment have to be set in about three feet of concrete in order for the

structure to be safe.

We felt really cold sitting on the concrete floor in the garage.

The police have as yet no concrete evidence linking the suspect to the crime.

With small children, it is important to teach arithmetic with concrete objects, such as apples, or


Averil Coxhead has noted that academic vocabulary tends to be connected to abstract ideas rather than concrete ones.

The four materials most commonly used in construction of bridges over the ages are wood, stone, iron, and concrete.

A temple built in Tivoli in the first century

is one of the earliest surviving examples of concrete construction.

In the late 19th century, French builder Fran?ois Coignet constructed the first example of a steel-reinforced concrete structure in Paris.

In June 2002, Israel began construction of a 25-foot high concrete wall at a cost of 2.8 million USD per km and which, when completed, will run over 390 miles inside the West Bank.

Unless you have some concrete evidence of the problems you think this idea will create, I think we should go ahead with it.

During class presentations, you can explain your ideas more concretely with a demonstration or display.

Desmond Morris once said that the city is not a concrete jungle, as it is often described, but a human zoo.

Scientists tell us that the human thighbone is as strong as concrete.

The child cut his head quite badly when he fell and banged it on the concrete steps leading up to the school door.

confess - confer - conduct - condition - condemn - concurrent - 

The word concrete sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the concrete, a sentence example for concrete, and how to make concrete in sample sentence, how do I use the word concretein a sentence?spell concrete in a sentence? spelling of concretew