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use "concentrate" in a sentence

Can you please turn your music down, I'm trying to concentrate on my homework.

Pesticides tend to become concentrated as they make their way through the food chain.

It requires a lot of concentration to study in a house full of children and noise.

Why don't you stop wasting

your time complaining about all the work you have to do, and concentrate on getting it done?

Nearly 90 percent of Canada's population is concentrated within 100 miles of the United States/Canada border.

Orange juice made from concentrate tastes quite different from fresh-squeezed

orange juice.

The Serengeti National Park has among the greatest concentrations of wildlife on the African continent.

When you are a goalie in hockey, it is important to maintain your concentration at all times.

As pesticides move through the food chain, they become more


Maintaining a separate language and culture is difficult without a sufficiently large ethnic concentration within a given area.

Supreme Court Judge Louis Brandeis once said, "We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both."

Charles Dickens once said, "I never could have done what I have done without the habits of punctuality, order, and diligence, without the determination to concentrate myself on one subject at a time."

Nearly half of Japan's population is concentrated around the Tokyo, Osaka, and Nagoya metropolitan areas.

The salt water of the Dead Sea is so concentrated that it cannot support life of any kind.

The population of Australia is concentrated along the island nation's eastern and southeastern coasts.

Norbert Schmitt observes that second language learners need to concentrate their efforts on learning the most useful words in the language.

I had trouble concentrating during the test because the guy beside me kept coughing and sniffling.

My wife and I haven't gone out much lately because she's been concentrating on getting her new business going.

The university is presently concentrating on developing its reputation for its undergraduate courses.

The composition of ground water can be changed by altering the concentration of dissolved solids in surface water.

Find someone who finds it difficult to concentrate on homework if the television is on.

condemn - concurrent - concrete - conclude - concern - concept - 

The word concentrate sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the concentrate, a sentence example for concentrate, and how to make concentrate in sample sentence, how do I use the word concentratein a sentence?spell concentrate in a sentence? spelling of concentratew