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use "comprise" in a sentence

The auto show is comprised of a mixture of classic luxury cars, modern sports cars, and models of futuristic vehicles.

The concert crowd was comprised of a surprising variety of people, from punk rockers, to businessmen, and retired couples.

British Columbia's giant underwater seaweed

forests comprise ecosystems which are more diverse than rainforests.

Koreans now comprise about 30% of the students in our ESL program.

Scientists estimate that hydrogen comprises around 90 to 99 percent of all matter in the universe.

Human bones are comprised of 22%


The first part of the Shinkansen high speed train line in Japan is comprised of the link between Tokyo and Osaka.

The Indo-European family of languages comprises among others English, French, Russian, and Sanskrit.

Forty percent of the labor force in this country is

comprised of women, of whom over sixty percent are married.

The Sahara Desert comprises a total area equal to that of all of Europe.

The coalition is comprised of members of the right-wing Likud party, and some religious groups.

Jellyfish are comprised almost entirely of water.

The average man's muscles comprise about 40 percent of body weight, whereas the average woman's muscles make up only 30 percent.

Gordon Allport once suggested that love received, and love given comprise the best form of therapy.

A team comprising the best young hockey players in the country is being put together for the world junior championships.

The musical style of Monteverdi and his contemporaries comprised diverse elements, some borrowed from the past, others very new.

conceive - concede - conceal - compute - compulsory - compromise - 

The word comprise sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the comprise, a sentence example for comprise, and how to make comprise in sample sentence, how do I use the word comprisein a sentence?spell comprise in a sentence? spelling of comprisew