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use "compost" in a sentence

Don't put that banana peel in the garbage; I'll put it in the compost.

We compost all our fruit and vegetable scraps instead of putting them in the garbage.

Please put anything that is not compostable into the garbage. The rest of it will be used for the garden.

Don't put

meat or dairy products in the compost because they might attract rats.

You have to make sure that you turn the compost once in a while in order to get air and moisture in there to help all the stuff to break down.

The rotting fruits and vegetables in the compost smelled pretty


He dug into the compost and found tons of worms to use as fishing bait.

The heat produced by the decomposing matter in the compost was such that when I dug into the pile, steam rose out of it.

You can put those grass cuttings and old leaves in the compost in the far

corner of the backyard.

A good compost has a fairly even mixture of materials with carbon and nitrogen in it.

We put the cotton from our old futon in the compost, and it decomposed completely in about three months.

You have to turn the compost once in a while in order to get air in it so that it will break down quickly.

A proper compost requires a good mix of materials containing both carbon and nitrogen in order to decompose efficiently.

Whenever I'm cooking, I always put the onion scraps into our compost bucket as soon as possible because if they sit in the sink for a while, they really begin to smell.

Find someone who composts his/her kitchen or garden waste.

compute - compulsory - compromise - comprise - comprehend - compound - 

The word compost sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the compost, a sentence example for compost, and how to make compost in sample sentence, how do I use the word compostin a sentence?spell compost in a sentence? spelling of compostw