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use "complex" in a sentence

The issue is much too complex for me to discuss.

They have moved into a new housing complex near the ocean.

Using a computer seemed pretty complex to me at first, but now it seems very simple.

He has a complex about his mother that makes him afraid to talk to


Don't say anything about his height because he has a bit of a complex about it.

Politics are too complex for me to understand, and I don't even know who to vote for.

English grammar can be very complex at times, so it's better not to worry too much about understanding

all the rules.

Averil Coxhead has noted that learning new words in a second language is a complex process.

As societies evolve and become more complex, the division of labor increases.

Louis Samuels once said that the beauty of Mother Nature is her ability to make complex

things appear simple.

The largest office complex in the world is the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C.

To learn well the complex coordination of the hundreds of muscles needed to play tennis, a person has to start young.

One of the most beautiful and complex forms of tattooing was practiced by the ancient Horis of Japan.

Someone once remarked that being a parent is the most complex and important activity on the planet.

Wolves live in packs which are complex social structures.

Malaysia is a complex country because it is made up of two parts and is divided into three separate territories.

The Forbidden City in Beijing, China is the most famous complex of buildings in the country.

Rotterdam, in the Netherlands, has the largest man-made harbor and port complex in the world.

Henry Louis Mencken once noted that for every complex problem, there is a solution that is simple, neat, and wrong.

African music is as diverse and complex as the continent itself.

The music of Africa is recognized worldwide for its complex rhythms and upbeat dance styles.

One's ability to perform complex tasks is generally disrupted by a lack of sleep.

It is difficult to discuss the complexities of differing political philosophies in a short news clip.

Dealing with illegal immigrants is a problem of great complexity, and deciding who should be allowed to stay and who should be sent back is very difficult.

The physical evolution of our planet's landscape is a complex process which is influenced by many factors, including climate, rock type, structure and elevation.

Sometime after the classical age of Ancient Greece, a reaction against technical complexities resulted in the simplification of Greek music.

Changes in musical styles generally take place gradually, in complex ways, and at different times in different areas.

Medard Gabel once stated that war is a violent response to complexity by simple minds.

compound - compost - compose - component - comply - complicate - 

The word complex sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the complex, a sentence example for complex, and how to make complex in sample sentence, how do I use the word complexin a sentence?spell complex in a sentence? spelling of complexw