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use "compete" in a sentence

Finland is competing with Russia for the gold medal in hockey.

He won a major racquetball competition in town, and is going to be in the nationals next month.

There were about 200 competitors, but only half of them actually completed the race.

Eaton's couldn't compete

with the low prices of the huge American superstores, and finally went bankrupt.

These weeds in the garden are competing for space with the flowers, so we have to pull them out.

My daughter is competing in a city-wide badminton tournament this weekend.

We lost the game simply because

the competition was too strong.

He's a very competitive person, so he won't give up until he wins.

Artist Marc Chagall observed that art is the unceasing effort to compete with the beauty of flowers - and never succeeding.

David Sarnoff once said that competition brings

out the best in products, and the worst in people.

There is a Yemeni proverb which states, "Compete - don't envy."

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896, with nine nations competing.

Athletes in Ancient Greece would consume many pounds of onions, and drink onion juice before a competition, to make them strong.

Canada's first Olympic gold medal was won by a man competing for the United States because Canada didn't have an official team.

Skiing has been a popular sport in Norway for a very long time; in fact, the military even held ski competitions there as early as 1767.

Because many of its factories are outdated, Kyrgyzstan has been unable to compete on the open world market.

Our computers are very competitively priced, and come with a complete software package.

Discussion question: What are the benefits and drawbacks of competition for children?

Discussion question: Have you ever competed in a sporting tournament? Talk about your experience.

Find someone who has competed in a sports tournament.

complicate - complex - complement - complain - compile - competent - 

The word compete sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the compete, a sentence example for compete, and how to make compete in sample sentence, how do I use the word competein a sentence?spell compete in a sentence? spelling of competew