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use "compensation" in a sentence

He received almost half a million dollars in compensation after an accident in which the brakes on his new car failed.

No success can compensate for failure in the family.

Fifty dollars should be adequate compensation for the work he did.

My friend bought me supper in a

restaurant as compensation for driving her to school every day.

Tobacco farmers are suggesting they should be compensated by the government for the cost of switching to other crops.

The child tried to compensate for hurting her friend's feelings by giving him her favorite


He received a year's salary as compensation for the loss of his job.

Soren Kierkegaard once observed that people demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use.

An insurance adjuster is evaluating the reports from the doctor to

determine how much compensation she should receive as a result of the accident.

Gerry's speed in playing squash helps to compensate for his lack of skill.

Sometimes a less talented athlete can compensate for his lack of ability by practising more.

The people of Zambia tend to have large families, both as a cause and a compensation for high child mortality.

The grizzly bear's amazing sense of smell helps compensate for its poor eyesight.

A dog's keen sense of smell compensates for his inability to see colors, and enables him to differentiate between things.

In 1997, after O. J. Simpson was cleared of murder charges, a civil trial jury blamed him for the killings of his ex-wife and her friend, and ordered him to pay $8.5 million in compensatory damages to the victims' families.

An Irish toast tells us that grandchildren are gifts from God. It is God's way of compensating us for growing old.

It appears that as we get older, the brain may compensate for the losses it experiences as a result of the aging process by making better use of the structures that remain intact.

Compensating the ancestors of former black slaves in the U.S. would cost billions of dollars.

Discussion question: Do you think blacks in the U.S. should receive compensation from the government for the enslavement of their ancestors?

Find someone who knows someone who has received compensation for injuries received in a car accident.

complex - complement - complain - compile - competent - compete - 

The word compensation sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the compensation, a sentence example for compensation, and how to make compensation in sample sentence, how do I use the word compensationin a sentence?spell compensation in a sentence? spelling of compensationw