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use "compatible" in a sentence

Theresa and I went out for a couple of weeks, but we discovered pretty quickly that we aren't really compatible.

His strong religious beliefs don't really seem compatible with the lifestyle of a rock musician.

I think Jeremy and Zeta are together for reasons of sexual attraction, rather

than for any real compatibility.

Unfortunately, the software I saw in the store is not compatible with my Mac.

His lifestyle is just not compatible with ideas such as commitment and responsibility in a relationship.

There is a lot more software available that is

compatible with PCs than with Macs.

Any girlfriend I have has to be interested in outdoor sports for us to be truly compatible.

Mahatma Gandhi once said that honesty is incompatible with the making of a large fortune.

The dating service has people fill out a questionnaire to

determine if they are compatible.

Over the years, my wife and I have changed to the point where I feel we are no longer really compatible.

I don't know if my brother and his wife are really compatible. He loves to spend a lot of time riding his bicycle, and doing exercise, whereas she prefers to stay at home and read.

Because of the church's treatment of Galileo, many people suggest that religion is incompatible with science.

His extravagant lifestyle doesn't seem very compatible with his left-wing political views.

Their incompatibility is partially due to their great difference in age.

Plato and Aristotle believed that elaborate instrumental music was incompatible with the ideal state.

Discussion question: What qualities would a lover need to be truly compatible with you?

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The word compatible sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the compatible, a sentence example for compatible, and how to make compatible in sample sentence, how do I use the word compatiblein a sentence?spell compatible in a sentence? spelling of compatiblew