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use "claim" in a sentence

The woman claimed she had seen a UFO land in a nearby field.

Henry was accused of stealing a chocolate bar, but he claimed that he had just forgotten to pay for it.

A man claiming to be a police officer entered the home of an elderly woman, and stole all her valuables.


boy claimed that someone else broke the window, but all the other children said it was him.

The President has laughed at claims that he has a drinking problem.

Smoking claims more lives in the U.S. than car accidents, murders and heart attacks combined.

A small terrorist group

has claimed responsibility for the assassination of a leading politician today.

Sometimes human claims attributed to God are contradictory.

Max Weber believed that the democracy attainable in capitalist society fell far short of the claims made for it.

James Gordon Bennett

once said, "I have made mistakes, but have never made the mistake of claiming I never made one."

Jacques Cartier claimed Canada for France in 1534.

The factory claims there is no danger to marine life as a result of the waste it is pouring into the river, but no one believes them.

In their legends, the people of Vietnam claim to be the descendants of a dragon.

In 1947, Italy signed a treaty giving up all its claims to Libya.

She claimed she injured her back in the car accident, but insurance agents think she was only faking the injury.

Someone once joked that the man who claims he never drives too fast, always slows down when he sees a policeman.

A report in 1990 claimed that 40% of Guatemala's forest cover had been lost since 1960.

Much of the waterfront of Suva, the capital city of Fiji, stands on land reclaimed from the sea.

People have claimed that a mysterious monster lives in Loch Ness, Scotland since the 14th century.

A Chinese proverb warns, "Do not trust a person who claims to be honest, and never trust exaggerated friendliness."

In 1579, Sir Francis Drake claimed the land of California for Queen Elizabeth I.

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The word claim sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the claim, a sentence example for claim, and how to make claim in sample sentence, how do I use the word claimin a sentence?spell claim in a sentence? spelling of claimw