He was buried two days after he died, in a cemetery near his home.
I don't want to be buried when I die; I'd rather be cremated.
The dog buried the bone in the backyard.
I found my car keys buried under a pile of paper in my office.
The burial of the
murdered child was attended by almost the entire town.
The squirrels buried nuts all over the yard, but forgot where half of them were.
I couldn't find my homework, but finally discovered it buried under a pile of newspapers.
During the time of the Shang civilization in ancient
China, royal burials were often accompanied by human and animal sacrifices.
The entire village was buried in ash after the eruption of the volcano.
Emile Zola once said that if you shut up truth, and bury it underground, it will still grow.
The burial chambers contained
within the pyramids are connected by a maze of passageways, including dead-ends designed to foil grave robbers.
Millions of trees in the world are accidentally planted by squirrels who bury nuts, and then forget where they hid them.
In Islam, burials cannot take place after sunset.
In the desert, many animals bury themselves in the sand to keep cool.
Ancient peoples in Peru would often bury food with their dead, so as to sustain them on their journey to the next life.
Although much of our garbage contains valuable raw materials, most of it is simply buried or burned.
In the Bronze Age, Stonehenge was used for ceremonial burials of local chieftains.
Sigmund Freud believed dreams to be symbolic of any number of things buried deep within our minds and our memories.
During a speech in November of 1956, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev told the West, "History is on our side. We will bury you."
To prevent a person from becoming a zombie, some people in Haiti will make sure a dead body is truly lifeless by stabbing it through the heart before burial.
The quality of our ground water can be seriously threatened by the burial of waste material.
Herodotus once observed that in peace, sons bury their fathers, but in war fathers bury their sons.
Discussion question: When you die, would you prefer to be buried or cremated?
Find someone who wants to be buried when he/she dies.