The secretary appended a note at the end of the memo, asking people to verify reception.
Many people append a little quotation or joke to their e-mail signature.
The director's name is appended to all official documents.
Some additional issues for discussion have been
appended to the original agenda.
She wants to be recognized for her own contributions to society, rather than being regarded as a simple appendage of her husband.
Certain kinds of starfish have as many as fifty appendages.
There are over 20 pages of grammar notes
appended to the dictionary.
Readers will find the appendices very helpful in understanding some of the more technical language.
The grammar book includes appendices with lists of irregular verbs, phrasal verbs, and spelling rules.
You will find information on some of the
sources for this book in appendix four.
She was asked to append her signature to the document.
This email program allows you to append a different quotation to your messages every day.
I have appended a sheet with comments from satisfied customers to our brochure.
Explanatory notes have been appended to some of the pages.
The appendixes in the back of your grammar book include lists of irregular verbs, irregular plurals, and verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives.
Robert Burton once remarked that idleness is an appendix to nobility.