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use "amnesty" in a sentence

To celebrate his twentieth anniversary in power, the President has declared an amnesty for all political prisoners.

The peace agreement calls for the guerrillas to turn in their weapons, in return for complete amnesty.

Former President Gerald Ford oversaw the evacuation of Americans in

Vietnam, and gave amnesty to draft resisters of the Vietnam war.

The library has declared a month-long amnesty for all overdue books.

Now that the civil war is over, the government is expected to announce an unconditional amnesty for members of the various rebel factions.


hospital in Scotland has announced an amnesty on medical equipment out on loan following a loss of medical gear worth thousands of pounds.

Thousands of former rebels have returned to their homes as a result of the government's declaration of an amnesty for all soldiers.

The government has

announced an amnesty for all illegal immigrants living in this country, stating that they will be allowed to stay if they register with immigration.

An official at NASA has called on the government to offer an amnesty to whoever returns a stolen four-billion-year-old moon rock worth about $5 million.

The President has declared an amnesty for all those who fought with the rebel army.

The President has granted an amnesty to all those prisoners who were not involved in crimes of violence.

The city has declared an amnesty for all those who have outstanding parking fines as long as they make a contribution worth $10 or more to a local food bank.

Fidel Castro was sentenced to 15 years' imprisonment for his part in an attack on a government installation, but was released under an amnesty within a year.

Under the terms of the amnesty, rebel fighters must surrender their arms or they will not qualify.

Victor Hugo once noted that amnesty is as good for those who give it as for those who receive it. It has the admirable quality of bestowing mercy on both sides.

ancestor - analysis - analogy - amuse - ample - amount - 

The word amnesty sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the amnesty, a sentence example for amnesty, and how to make amnesty in sample sentence, how do I use the word amnestyin a sentence?spell amnesty in a sentence? spelling of amnestyw