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use "amateur" in a sentence

She sings in an amateur choir.

The Olympics used to be only for amateur athletes, but recently they have been allowing professional athletes to participate.

Dennis is an amateur actor who has recently been working in some high-profile productions.

Zack is an amateur

player who performs like a true professional.

The sound effects and lighting looked very amateurish for such an expensive production.

It is unfortunate that professional athletes are replacing more and more amateurs in the Olympic games.

An athlete gives up his/her amateur

status once he/she starts getting paid for his/her sport.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once remarked that every artist was first an amateur.

The movie was very amateurish looking, with really crappy special effects.

Small amateur choirs in the Eastern European countries are often

better than professional choirs here because the people there don't have enough money or opportunities to do all the things that we can do here, so they practice all the time.

Someone once joked that nothing discourages an amateur gardener like watching his family eat the entire garden at one meal.

The basketball star lost his amateur status when it was revealed that he had been paid for playing on his college team.

Now that he has won practically every amateur tournament he has entered, it is a good time to turn pro.

My sister is in an amateur ballet troupe that is touring primary schools throughout the state.

Discussion question: How do you feel about professional athletes taking part in the Olympics, which was previously only for amateurs?

amend - ambush - ambition - ambiguous - ambassador - amaze - 

The word amateur sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the amateur, a sentence example for amateur, and how to make amateur in sample sentence, how do I use the word amateurin a sentence?spell amateur in a sentence? spelling of amateurw