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use "alternative" in a sentence

Some people prefer to use natural herbs as an alternative to prescription drugs.

We need to come up with an alternate plan, in case this one doesn't work.

The apple crisp recipe calls for alternate layers of apples and a mixture of oats and nuts.

We had to take an

alternate route to the airport because of the road construction.

She tried taking pills to lose weight as an alternative to getting regular exercise, but had little success.

Faced with worsening health, and a doctor that didn't seem able to help him, Craig decided to try alternative


I know you don't want to move out of your apartment, but you have no alternative if the building is going to be sold.

As science and technology develop, many are now suggesting that there may be some alternatives to animal testing.

Successful alternatives to testing

drugs on animals include test tube studies on human tissue cultures, statistics and computer models.

There is a Chinese proverb which states that of all the thirty-six alternatives, running away is best.

Maurice Chevalier once observed that old age is not so bad when you consider the alternatives.

How can you call this music alternative when their CDs sell by the thousands?

Children in many countries are often forced to work in dangerous and abusive jobs because they are poor and have no other alternative.

In the future, we will have to rely more on alternate energy sources.

Cactus plants offer a perfect alternative to clotheslines in the hot, dry climate of Haiti.

In 1978, it was announced that the names of hurricanes would begin to alternate between men and women's names instead of always being named after women.

Henry Kissinger once said that the absence of alternatives clears the mind marvelously.

The process of decision-making consists of choosing from among a set of alternatives.

The buses are on strike, so you'll need to find an alternate way of getting to work.

We could have a company golf tournament, or alternatively, we could try something like an overnight camping trip.

Her new medication helps to keep her from constantly alternating between extreme moods.

Discussion question: How do you feel about alternative therapies, such as massage, acupuncture, etc.

Find someone who enjoys alternative music.

Find someone who has visited an alternative medicine practitioner.

ambush - ambition - ambiguous - ambassador - amaze - amateur - 

The word alternative sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the alternative, a sentence example for alternative, and how to make alternative in sample sentence, how do I use the word alternativein a sentence?spell alternative in a sentence? spelling of alternativew