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use "advise" in a sentence

My friend advised me to study here because she took this course last year and really enjoyed it.

If Eduardo doesn't enjoy air travel, I would advise him to choose a holiday destination which is close to home.

My uncle gave me a lot of good advice when I was trying to decide what to

do after high school.

The advisors to the King are supplying him with false information in order to influence his decisions.

Don't be afraid to ask your uncle for financial advice if you need it; he's been a financial consultant for a long time, and he knows what he's talking


A police officer visited our neighborhood to give us advice on how to prevent house break-ins.

I would advise you to leave as soon as possible; otherwise, you might miss your train.

Erica Jong once said that advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer, but

wish we didn't.

There is a German proverb which states, "Never give advice unless asked."

P. G. Wodehouse once joked, "I always advise people never to give advice."

There is an Irish proverb which states that you should neither give cherries to pigs nor advice to a fool.

He works in an advisory position in the Ministry of the Environment.

Up until 1939, it was illegal to give advice on birth control in Puerto Rico.

Many doctors say that it is advisable to avoid coffee during pregnancy.

Someone once said that advice is simply a way of recycling experiences we have had.

Discussion question: What advice would you give to a person who asked you how best to learn a language?

Find someone who often goes to his/her parents for advice.

affirm - affiliate - affection - affect - affair - advocate - 

The word advise sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the advise, a sentence example for advise, and how to make advise in sample sentence, how do I use the word advisein a sentence?spell advise in a sentence? spelling of advisew