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use "absorb" in a sentence

Children are like little sponges that seem to be able to absorb languages very quickly.

The course I took was very intensive, and I had a lot of information to absorb in a short time.

These diapers are very absorbent, so your baby will stay dry and comfortable.

This cream is

absorbed directly into your skin to keep it from becoming dry.

Black holes in outer space apparently absorb energy and light, and crush them into nothingness.

The children were completely absorbed by the story the teacher told them.

The game completely absorbed all my

energy, so I was too tired to do much afterwards.

The new exhibit at the museum is very absorbing, and is getting lots of compliments from visitors.

We need something more absorbent than this paper to clean up the water on the floor.

Drinking orange juice helps in the

absorption of iron in one's diet.

Martial arts star Bruce Lee once said that to succeed in life you should absorb what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh once said that if you let yourself be absorbed completely, if you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments.

Paul Newman once said that acting is a question of absorbing other people's personalities, and adding some of your own experience.

There is a traditional proverb which states that unless a serpent devours a serpent, it will not become a dragon. Unless one power absorbs another, it will not become great.

I was so absorbed in my work that I didn't realize that everyone else had gone home.

The fender on your car can absorb any impact up to 10 miles per hour.

Frogs are vulnerable to pollution because their skin absorbs everything that they come in contact with.

Orange juice helps the body absorb iron easily when consumed with a meal.

High protein foods such as cheese and peanuts help slow the absorption of alcohol into the body.

Naomi Klein noted that children are more culturally-absorbent than their parents.

Straw absorbs four times its weight in oil, and is used to clean up oil spills.

From 1949 to 1962, Hong Kong absorbed more than one million refugees fleeing Communist China.

The people of Sri Lanka have absorbed cultural elements from the Arabs, Chinese, Portuguese, Dutch and British who have come to the island.

In August of 1940, the nation of Latvia was absorbed into the Soviet Union as the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic.

Trees absorb carbon from the atmosphere, and store it as wood.

As it grew, the Western church absorbed and adapted all it could from the music of antiquity and the East.

Water absorbs and releases heat much more slowly than does air.

accelerate - academy - abuse - abundant - absurd - abstract - 

The word absorb sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the absorb, a sentence example for absorb, and how to make absorb in sample sentence, how do I use the word absorbin a sentence?spell absorb in a sentence? spelling of absorbw