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use "abandon" in a sentence

We found a cat that had been abandoned by its owners when they moved away.

The house has looked abandoned since the Bates family moved away 2 years ago.

The police finally had to abandon their search after looking for the lost child for over a year.

The abandonment of

a newborn baby in a dumpster is being treated by police as a possible murder attempt.

John has had to abandon his plans to become a doctor because he gets sick at the sight of blood.

Police have found the body of an elderly man in an old abandoned car on a small dirt road in the


News of the abandonment of a mother dog and her six puppies in a park resulted in a number of calls to the newspaper from people hoping to adopt the animals.

She had to abandon her car and walk to work after getting stuck in the snow.

I will never abandon my dream

of becoming a writer.

There is a Latin proverb which states that fortune favors the bold, but abandons the timid.

Harriet Van Horne once said that cooking is like love; it should be entered into with abandon or not at all.

They abandoned the dog because they could no longer take care of it.

A mother panda often gives birth to two cubs, but abandons one, and only takes care of the other.

Three million cars are abandoned every year in the United States.

If frightened or threatened, a mother rabbit may abandon, ignore, or eat her babies.

We had to abandon our plans to buy our own house after I got laid off at work.

By the early 5th century, Rome had abandoned its lands on the British Isles.

Bob Marley sang, "Until the philosophy which holds one race superior, and another inferior is finally, and permanently discredited and abandoned, there will be war."

The young woman was arrested for abandoning her baby after the infant was found alone at a bus station.

Discussion question: A teenager abandons her newborn baby on the doorstep of the home of a wealthy family. What should be done with the teenage mother and the baby?

abrupt - abortion - abolish - aboard - ability - abduct - 

The word abandon sentence

English words and Examples of Usage

Example sentences with the abandon, a sentence example for abandon, and how to make abandon in sample sentence, how do I use the word abandonin a sentence?spell abandon in a sentence? spelling of abandonw